Our Solution

Aerobio R&D Center

Our Product Aims at resolving the issues that every state in the country aims at eliminating with human waste management at the source with the most efficient technology known in the present day.

Aerobio takes care of the following issues:

  • Unsafe management of excreta and wastewater is widespread and creates significant health and environmental risks.
  • Sustainable sanitation and wastewater management systems are those that minimize depletion of the resource base, protect and promote human health, minimize environmental degradation, are technically and institutionally appropriate, socially acceptable and economically viable in the long term
  • A vision of resource-efficient, circular economies is unachievable without radical change in how we manage wastewater, excreta and other biomass waste.
  • Sustainable sanitation and wastewater management will be central, even fundamental, to fulfilling the 2020 Agenda.